I REFER to Maryam Ahmed’s, pictured, article concerning the university lecturers’ strike. She states that only eight per cent of the University and College Union membership voted for industrial action.

It seems to be the common response of employers when faced with industrial action to belittle the amount of discontent within its workforce.

Phrases such as: ‘We do not recognise the numbers shown taking industrial action’ are quite common and used to cover their own failures.

I can understand that this is a worrying time for the students taking their exams but hopefully taking action at this crucial time may lead to an early resolution to this dispute.

Ms Ahmed has chosen to ignore the cause of this action.

There is bound to be anger among a workforce who are offered year after year wage offers below the rate of inflation and whose senior management are offered eight per cent. It would seem that ‘fat catism’ is alive and well in the higher education sector.

I note in her article Ms Ahmed does not mention the plight of the clerical and ancillary staff involved in this dispute.

For many lecturers living in what has been acknowledged as the most expensive city outside of London, living expenses are very high. It is worse for many clerical and ancillary staff.

I can only presume that Ms Ahmed never sees such people or chooses not to. As for her battle cry to the citizens of Oxford, Ms Ahmed get over yourself.

CM FOSTER The Glebe Lewknor