I AM very concerned about the integrity of our Members of Parliament when they defeat a motion to free us from Europe’s corrupt influence.

What have they to hide or (more likely) to lose?

I also think it is time to cease the House of Lords. These doddery old men just sign in and leave after a short time, get several hundred pounds plus allowance for food.

I suspect a lot sit on the Board of lots of firms, with an interest in European countries.

I also believe, they have the power to interfere in the national press, as they only seem to mention UKIP when we get a bad write-up in the dailies. So much for democracy and a free press.

But not to worry, the Lib-Dems will continue to dither, Labour will promise to borrow more money if ever elected in the future, and Tories will continue to be the bloated capitalists they have always been.

I do not agree with militant action, but maybe it’s time to get things changed for the good of the people. Why wait several years for a referendum? Let’s have one now.

UKIP are the only party to care about our country. The billions we pay Europe would pay for more real coppers (not PCSOs), schools, hospitals, nurses and teachers – and stop taking in immigrants and paying them benefits.

ROGER TUCKER, Kingsway Drive, Kidlington