IT was gratifying to hear on the news that the Cabinet met at Cobra and are considering making an application to the EU Solidarity Disaster Fund.

They have to apply quickly however as there is a deadline and he who hesitates is lost.

The Cabinet need to arrive at a sum of £3bn worth of damage in order to secure the EU funding.

So far the insurance industry is estimating losses of £1bn to homes etc. However, insurers tend to be rather parsimonious.

A creative accountant is needed to assess the true cost to our economy, as it must easily reach the requisite £3bn mark.

There is the cost of the power cuts causing people to be unable to work from home and fallen power lines to be repaired. Very costly. Costs of repairs to railways and the loss of working days should easily reach another £1bn. Costs of emergency vehicles and new drainage waterways such as £123m Oxford waterway need to be added.

The Government needs to be bold and make an application for the EU funds.

He who dares wins.

SUSAN THOMAS Magdalen Road Oxford