Sir – So, councillors Upton and Pressel (Report, December 19) want “safer, dedicated paths” for cyclists. Do I have to remind them that the towpath in question, north of Walton Well Road, is not a cycle lane nor indeed a running track?

The section in question is a narrow strip wide enough to accommodate two slim people or one large person. Now, into this area regularly erupt cyclists and joggers who just assume that the lowly walker has either to levitate or to jump into a muddy verge whilst they, often with earplugs firmly entrenched and oblivious to sight or sound, go on their way.

Why is my solitary reverie always the hostage to these churlish, grunting individuals? Why is the desire to amble, ramble, dawdle, stroll or wander in wonder always harassed by the cyclist’s bell and the thudding sound of the jogger engaged in upgrading his or her body beyond the limits of evolution? If the towpath is made racing smooth then such ill-mannered behaviour can only increase.

Surely there’s enough asphalt around for these people in perpetual flight, without you commandeering this narrow path for their priority use as well.

At this time of cuts to vital services, shouldn’t all discretionary resources be diverted to those in need rather than making life more comfortable for those in a narcissistic rush?

J. O’Halloran, Oxford