ON January 2, your editorial comment focused on the issue of drugs; praising the work of Thames Valley Police on Operation Bilbo and making the point that educating people about the danger of drug use is just as important as identifying and prosecuting the dealers.

This is indeed vital and something we take very seriously here at Oxfordshire County Council.

Drug and alcohol education and prevention is commissioned by the public health team here. The resources and programmes include: n Action Choices and Consequences – a drugs education programme offered to all schools in the county, aimed primarily at students in Years 11-13 (aged 15-18) and delivered by the Oxfordshire User Team (OUT). OUT utilises ex-drug users to help students see how recreational drug use can lead to full addiction and to understand the consequences of class-A drug use. The scheme helps educate young people about the short- and long-term consequences of drug use and the dangers of being involved in any aspect of street drugs; challenges attitudes around alcohol and drug use; explores the risks of alcohol misuse and discusses peer pressure and family issues.

  •  A new service, ‘Informed’, has been commissioned for year 8 and year 9 students and will begin this month. Delivered by The Training Effect, the drug education programme and alcohol education programmes will be offered to all secondary schools across the county and includes education and awareness sessions, personal, social and health education resources, drama-based workshops provided by Creation Theatre Company and training for staff free of charge.
  •  A range of resources and literature providing information on drugs and alcohol and where to get help for adults, parents and carers, young people, and families.
  • We believe this combination of proactive education and on-demand resources help to ensure people are well-informed about the risks of drug and alcohol use.

If anyone is concerned about their own drug or alcohol use, or that of a friend or relative, they can call 01865 328607 or visit the county council website www.oxfordshire.gov.uk and search the word ‘drugs’.

Head of Commissioning (drugs and alcohol)
Oxfordshire County Council
County Hall
New Road Oxford
