MAY I respond to Jonathan Saunders’s letter of January 2? I will admit I am a Eurosceptic, and proud to admit it. Thanks to unelected and corrupt Eurocrats, we have lost a lot of basic choice and freedom. We can no longer buy creosote, mothballs and carbolic soap. I could go to prison for daring to criticise. They do not have habeus corpus, that is, the right to demand production of an arrested person. They have the European arrest warrant for things that are not an offence in the UK. This gives the European police the right to come here and arrest a British person without even telling the local police. If the English and Welsh police want to arrest anybody in Scotland, there is a special process to follow. I respect Mr Saunders’s right to freedom of speech, but I am insulted that he thinks I will need 250 words to reply – I have done it in 158. ROGER TUCKER Kingsway Drive Kidlington