WE are facing a very serious blackout crisis in 2015 when our remaining coal power stations are closed thanks to the green EU directive.

This will force us to rely on imported gas for 70 per cent of our energy needs. We will be at the mercy of foreign price hikes and all the while we have over 1,000 years of coal reserves in our country; Welsh coal being the finest in the world.

Britain will have to compete for gas on the foreign market at prices 60 per cent higher than those at present.

So yes, things are set to get a whole lot worse still for the consumer. It is a step in the right direction for David Cameron to abolish these carbon green taxes added to our energy bills.

These low carbon business taxes need to be binned as they have a huge impact on the consumer and industry.

The “carbon price floor racket” has already potentially caused incalculable damage to industry before the power cuts arrive.

SUSAN THOMAS, Magdalen Road, Oxford