MANY column inches have been devoted to the proposed cuts in Oxfordshire County Council’s budget. Having been a member of that body I would like to put some perspective into the debate.

Firstly they are not horrific, or savage, as councillors and council officers are claiming and I would ask your readers to consider the evidence.

The council’s revenue budget for 2012-13 was £1,149,000,000. Yes, one billion, one hundred and forty nine million pounds.

The proposed cuts, as reported by the council, who based on my own experience are always overstated, are £61m. This figure represents about five per cent of the budget. In short, for every million pounds they will only receive £950,000.

I am sure that with even a modicum of financial management this gap could be easily resolved and the council should not waste time, energy and money touring the county frightening people with the thought of Armageddon.

I sat many an hour in that council seeing money being squandered on a vast and growing army of overpaid council officers. Equally I watched councillors of all parties squander money on a range of madcap schemes for which there was little public demand. One that sticks in my craw, as a cyclist, was the construction of a cycle track from Witney to Oxford which hardly anybody uses. There are many others too numerous to list. The five per cent savings can be easily found and in their heart of hearts the councillors and officers know that. So get on with it.

JOHN POWER, Ferry Hinksey Road, Oxford