I WOULD be very interested to know how many disabled, handicapped and elderly people will be affected by the withdrawal of their benefits, and the effects on their health and living standards it will cause. Once again, this working together and working for hard-working people Coalition Government is targeting sick and vulnerable people in society.

Once again, this Government is making it sound bad because you are long-term ill. I have come to the conclusion that the Government does not think that there are any disabled people in this country.

Genuine claimants, who are having their entitlement taken away, should start to shout and ask why? I would like to set up an action group and fight back. If you are as angry as me, please let me know by e-mailing me at paul.marlow2@gmail with your story and ideas of how we can fight back. The sooner we start, the sooner we can ask or tell the politicians to think again. I am not saying that help should not be given to those who can work and should work, because it should, but why do they always pick on the sick? Millionaires are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. So let’s start saying that we have had enough. What makes me even more angry is that the changes are backed by the Lib/Dems – are you so hungry for power that you are blind to what is really going on?

PAUL MARLOW Stowford Road Headington