RECENTLY returned from a visit to the south of Ireland. I was very impressed by what I saw. The roads were in very good condition, no potholes, no rubbish thrown on the sides of the roads and the roundabouts were all well kept with short grass and flower beds.

In the towns that I visited, the streets were clean. There was no grass growing in the kerbs, and no chewing gum on the pavements. If people can do that in Ireland, why can’t we here, in England, and particularly in Oxford?

After a visit to the market last Wednesday, I felt the need to use Gloucester Green toilets. At the moment there are portakabins and they were dirty and had wet floors – not a very good example for shoppers and tourists.

How long is it going to be before the main toilets in Gloucester Green are ready for general use? A good builder could have built a house in the time it has taken to refurbish these.

Now I’m going to have to get used to the same old story back here in Oxford this autumn. Leaves everywhere blocking the drains, some of which have not been serviced for years, and all the other problems that this council fails to address.

COLIN SMITH, George Moore Close, Oxford