Sir – In the light of your acceptance of an advertisement for Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP), I would like you to bring to your readers’ attention the activities of Save a Child’s Heart (SACH).

Save a Child’s Heart (SACH) is an Israeli humanitarian project, whose mission is to improve the quality of paediatric cardiac care for children from developing countries who suffer from heart disease, and to create centres of competence in these countries.

Every year, hundreds of thousands of children in the developing world are born with heart defects. They cannot access or afford the surgery which will save them from a painful death in their teens.

The SACH team comprises 70 surgeons, cardiologists, physicians, technicians and nurses at the Wolfson Hospital at Holon, just South of Tel Aviv.

They are Jewish, Christian and Muslim. In the last 15 years, they have treated 2,750 children at Holon (including 1,340 from the West Bank and Gaza) and a further 196 in the child’s own country.

In November 2011 Dr Sion Houri, head of intensive care, explained to a visiting delegation that some of the patients in his unit had only just arrived, alongside their Palestinian mothers. It was the day after an Israeli had been killed by a rocket from Gaza.

AJ Cotton, London