I ACCEPT Clive Harrison’s backhanded compliment made in response to my recent letter on the new tailgate legislation in the manner in which it was given. But I feel the same backhanded compliment should be extended to the thousands like me who signed the online petition, ably supported by the three major motoring organisations, which in turn automatically triggered debate on the matter in Parliament, hence the recent legislation.

Whereas the police need boots on the ground to enforce the seat belt and mobile phone legislation, there is a system in place already on the motorways, with the surfeit of roadside cameras which constantly monitor traffic flow. The first sign the tailgater has of a problem of his own making is when the summons lands on his mat.

Legislation need to be taken further, the driver subjected to a tailgate shunt legally obliged to report his assailant to the police, who are obliged to prosecute for careless driving.

I think I’ll start a petition.

KEN ROPER, Morton Avenue, Kidlington