TOMORROW, CLIC Sargent, the UK’s leading cancer charity for children and young people, is holding its first Thanks a Million Day.

We’d like to say a huge thank you to you and your readers. In 2012/13 you, our supporters, helped us raise £1 million more than in 2011/12, giving us a total income of £22.26 million. That money has allowed us to provide more than 6,600 children and young people with cancer, and their families, with vital emotional, practical, financial and clinical support. That’s more than ever.

We couldn’t do this without your continued support.

On Thanks a Million Day, we want to thank you for everything you do for children and young people with cancer, and their families. Perhaps you’ve run a marathon for CLIC Sargent, held a bucket collection to raise funds at a local shopping centre, volunteered in one of our shops or taken part in one of our flagship events.

Whichever way you have supported us, thank you – we think you are amazing .

We would love for you to join with us to share the thanks on Thanks a Million Day. If anyone has helped you raise money to support our work, given you a lift to your fundraising event, or encouraged your volunteering for CLIC Sargent, please thank them from everyone at CLIC Sargent.

We want to generate one million thank yous to celebrate the extra £1million you’ve helped us raise in 2012/13. You can get involved by saying thank you via Twitter using the hashtag #Thanksamillion or via our Facebook page You can find out more at our website Thanks a million!

CLAIRE SHOVELTON, Windmill Road, Headington