ROSE Hill Primary School pupils will not feel the cold this winter because of the continuing work to upgrade its heating system continues.

Builders have been busy at the school fitting two boilers, radiators and piping for the central part of the school while the pupils have been enjoying their break.

This is the second year of the £240,000 three-year scheme funded by cash from Oxfordshire County Council.

Last summer the heating system that served the east side of the school was replaced and next year the system serving the west side will be replaced.

School manager Charmaine Swift said: “It is going to make the school lovely and warm in the winter months, which is going to be fantastic for our children’s learning.

“They won’t be feeling the cold.

“It will have a very positive impact on learning.

“And it will impact our energy bills and carbon footprint.”

She added: “The boilers weren’t very efficient. Some areas of the school got very cold and others were boiling.

“The builders are still putting pipes and radiators in.

“They are doing what is needed to get the system operational and then they are going to work out of hours and weekends to finish whatever else needs to be done.

“This summer another two new boilers were installed. So two thirds of the school will be complete.

“The other third is running on two old boilers, but they have only got a third of the school to heat.”

School staff have also been preparing for the pupils’ return tomorrow by painting some of the walls, including the kitchen.

Ms Swift said: “We have redecorated our kitchen so it looks all spick and span.

“Everybody has pulled together.”

The painting and the redecorating was funded by the school.

This term will be the first time the school is fully two-form entry, which means that there are 60 pupils in each year, as opposed to one class or form of 30 a year.

The school began taking two classes a year six years ago as the demand for places grew.

Thanks to £400,000 from Oxfordshire County Council, the school’s old Key Stage One hall was converted into two new classrooms, with an extra room and toilets at the end of last year.

The school is welcoming its new interim headteacher. Martin Lester, pictured, starts in the role at the school in The Oval this week.

Formerly head at Berinsfield Primary School, Mr Lester will be in the role for a year.

His appointment follows the departure of headteacher Sue Mortimer.