An estimated 1 million people in the UK attend A&E each year following a head injury.

Of these, around 135,000 people are admitted to hospital with a brain injury.

Fortunately, there is help available for those who have suffered a brain injury, and their carers.

The Silverlining is a national charity supporting individuals who have an acquired brain injury. In September 2011, the charity opened an Oxford branch.

The Silverlining helps people to rebuild their lives by helping others. It focuses on helping clients or Silverliners to participate in and organise challenges. All challenges aim to help the community and provide people with a brain injury the opportunity to help themselves through goal setting and achievement.

The Oxford branch is led by Maggie Sargent, expert Brain Injury Case Manager and Managing Director of Community Case Management Services Limited (CCMS). With the support of Henmans Freeth Solicitors, the Oxford branch of Silverlining recently opened Silver Studios, an Art Centre at St. Edward’s School.

Maggie Sargent, Leader of Silverlining Oxford, said: “It is hoped that the Art Centre will attract the interest and imagination of people locally and this offers a real chance for people with a brain injury to become involved in developing a network of social opportunities.”

Susan Booker, Clinical Negligence Associate at Henmans Freeth LLP Solicitors, said: “Brain injury can be very isolating for the injured and their carers.

"The Centre provides an opportunity for people to come together and participate in creating art. We are really looking forward to seeing the project develop.” Farhana Haque regularly attends Silver Studios and said: “It is a space to have an outlet for my creativity. I enjoy chatting to other Silverliners in a kind and accepting atmosphere”.

Sessions include fabric painting, clay modelling and spray painting. Silver Studios takes place each Thursday in term time at St Edward’s School between 1.45pm and 3.45 pm - pop along for the formal launch of the new term on September 12, 2013.

If you or a family member has an acquired brain injury and would like to attend Silver Studios, please contact Maggie Sargent on 0203 1742051 or email Booker can be contacted on 01865 781016 or