THERE were laughs all round as comedian David Walliams returned to Oxfordshire for his latest swimming challenge.

The actor dived in to Blenheim Palace’s Great Lake alongside Olympic and Paralympic swimmers including Keri-anne Payne, Duncan Goodhew, Cassie Patten and Graham Edmunds to encourage the nation to get back in the water.

He donned his wet suit yesterday and swam 1,000m as part of a series of British Gas SwimBritain relay events across the country.

Afterwards the 42-year-old said: “It’s such a refreshing way to escape the stresses of everyday life and doing a team challenge gave me a real boost. We were all cheering each other on and there was a real sense of camaraderie.”

In 2011 Mr Walliams swam 140 miles down the River Thames, from its source, through Oxfordshire and into London.