Sir – Today a number of people in Oxford and Abingdon will be travelling by minibus to Aldermaston and Burghfield, near Reading, to join hundreds of others from all over the country who are camping there for two weeks.

They will be using their own money, their own time, to take part in this, the latest of countless actions, all non-violent, which have just one purpose: to draw attention to these two huge establishments which use taxpayers’ money to produce nuclear weapons.

If used, these weapons would kill cities. They are designed to kill and maim civilians. They could put an end to life on earth.

Will there be any reports in the press or on air of this demonstration?

Probably not, judging by past experience.

People have gone to extraordinary lengths to rouse public awareness. They have courted arrest and prosecution by cutting the fences round the nuclear establishments and breaking in, hoping that they can speak in court and be reported; they have lain in the road, arms linked, to symbolically “blockade” the base; they have created banners and posters and held them up beside the gates for many hours, sometimes a few individuals, and sometimes hundreds; they have marched and shouted; they have observed and chased nuclear convoys conveying live nuclear warheads on our busy roads.

On August 6, we exhibited images from Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Bonn Square and spoke to people about them.

Many, especially younger ones, had no idea that we, the British, have nuclear weapons — and are busily preparing to make a new generation of them at Aldermaston and Burghfield. Many thought nuclear weapons disappeared when the Cold War ended. They need to be told.

Irene Gill, Oxford