THE SOUND of a farmer’s whistle could be heard across Wytham on Monday as sheep dog trials descended on the village.

More than 50 farmers and their dogs from across the country came to the North Berkshire Sheep Dogs Trials Association event at Home Farm.

Sheepdog Reg was no pushover and under the instructions of owner Merrill Fox, successfully directed five sheep. The three-year-old finished in sixth place out of 58 dogs at the trials. Mrs Fox, 54, who does part-time shepherding and takes part in trials at most weekends during the summer, said: “The course was fantastic and Reg did very well and completed the course. ” Richard Smith, manager of Daylesford farm near Kingham, entered with his dogs Glen and Dan. He said: “It’s a wonderful relationship between man and a dog. “The dog is extremely bonded to its handler.”

The 47-year-old said the breed of sheep used in the contest were particularly challenging to work with.

He said: “It’s a big field and we are running with Coopworth ewes.

“The dog needs to show them the right of bossiness, but too much and you will upset them.”