WELL it hasn’t taken long to discover the results of irresponsible decision-making regarding building expansion.

Planning departments haven’t taken responsibility to ensure the provision of the additional necessary facilities to meet the needs when increasing housing – expanding mains drainage and providing extra sewage treatment works.

This cavalier attitude has enabled maximum profit for developers who are able to avoid installing or paying towards infrastructure (what has happened to the money that they have put into providing provision)?

Those responsible for allowing this decline in standards must be called to account for their failure to act in the public interest.

A halt should be called to prevent further development until corrections have been made to rectify the shortcomings and improve standards. In Britain we are fortunate to have the machinery and workforce to install adequate provision.

The human waste spread in the quarry near Wroxton village in north Oxfordshire (August 20) reminds me of history lessons where we were told the plague spread in London due to unsanitary living conditions. Dumped sewage sludge will release disease and toxins, spread by flies, polluting the soil and surrounding atmosphere, affecting villagers.

There is a clear breach in standards of duty of care regarding public health and hygiene.

The proposed Barton build must be put on hold. Its inadequate proposed provision for two sewage holding tanks for a vast housing development is unacceptable.

Do they plan to empty the contents of these tanks on the surrounding Oxfordshire Countryside too?

This is the latest folly of those holding the reins of power allowing lax planning regulations along with fracking (August 20) as a proposed energy source. Both schemes ruin the careful balance of nature and impact adversely on citizens, creating a sad, bad new world.

ELAINE BENNETT, Marston Road, Oxford