Sir – I believe John Nandris is not an architect but must be congratulated on his capture of the language of architects in praising the proposed development at St Cross College (Letters, August 15).

He identifies logic in the interlocking crosses of the structure and the balance of the design. These comments could be described as a smokescreen to hide what is a poor design with one motif repeated throughout, resulting in a bland design which fails to address its surroundings and the existing urban form.

It pays no reference to its location in the central conservation area. The interlocking crosses are apparent only in the imagination of the architect. Such imaginations are often used to justify a poor design and hoodwink the planning officers and committees.

I expect the development will receive planning permission (Oxford is badly served by its planning service) but as modern buildings are only designed to last 30 years it will not be a permanent blot of the city.

Paul Hornby, Oxford