Sir – I was surprised to see Oxfordshire County Council saying it needed to save £25m next year, when the day before, the council was saying it was going to pay BT £14m to install superfast broadband in rural areas (last week’s Gazette).

It is wrong for the council to stick its nose in something which is none of its business.

Broadband is between customers and their telecom suppliers.

The council would not pay for gas, water or electricity to go to an isolated farmhouse. Why should taxpayers pay for fibre-optic cables?

I notice Conservative councillors believe in free market forces until it affects them.

Which public services will be cut to pay for this?

I may be the only one to complain about this subject.

I’m not sure if this is apathy or if people just can’t be bothered.

Chris Jeffery, Wilmot Close, Witney