LIBRARIES are closing, youth centres are closing, old people are struggling, families are struggling, free transport for school children is set to stop, roads are a disgrace and £25m is to be cut from the council budget.

How did we get into this state?

Help though is on its way, problem solved – the Oxfordshire County Council are going to spend £10m on broadband. Hurrah!

While I accept that broadband speeds have to be improved, I do not believe for one moment that this is a priority. If it is, then let BT finance the whole package. Let’s face it, they have spent enough money on televised sport alone this year and are therefore not short of money.

No, I am sorry Oxfordshire County Council but you are out of order on this issue and you should rethink where you are going with the finances of the county.

Please do not ask the public for any ideas on budget cuts because whatever savings you make you will only waste. Just think what that £10m could do for the London Road in Headington.

DAVID REED, Pearce Way, Thame