Sir – Well done John Tanner in maintaining your great Socialist principles and your proposal of only allowing electric cars into some Oxford streets (Report, July 18).

As we all know, electric cars are very expensive and only the wealthy or well-paid can afford them. They are beyond the reach of the working class and the poor, who have to make do with the bog standard-type car.

What Mr Tanner is proposing is that only the wealthy and very well paid should be allowed into Oxford, while the rest of us have to lump it. (Keep the red flag flying). What next? Maybe ZIL lanes for councillors and their families, so that they are not hindered in their travels around the city. Incidentally how many city council staff parking places are there, which obviously bring cars into the centre. Do their parking permits restrict them to electric cars only, or can they bring those horrible polluting vehicles into the city? Shouldn’t they use the park-and-ride? No staff parking unless disabled. Maybe Mr Tanner should start cleaning out his own stables and set an example to the rest of us.

Brian Wallis, Middle Barton