ARASH FATEMIAN is undoubtedly preparing the ground for some unpleasant financial news over coming months.

By raising the prospect of increasing what Oxfordshire County Council charges for certain services or fines now, the county’s finance chief is no doubt hoping to draw some of the public sting that is sure to follow.

But there is no escaping the fact that in a few months’ time the county will have less money from the Government to pay for services it has committed to.

Without resorting to alchemy or fracking under the Mound, the council has to find more money or cut costs – ie services – further, or a combination of both.

And that is not easy.

What about cutting back on children’s social services? After all the council wants to spend £7m on new children’s homes – not spending that would help.

Well, we’ve just seen the results of failing social services with the Bullfinch trial so filleting that area would be a no no to any reasonable taxpayer.

Schools have a big budget. Must be some fat to cut there. Again, the appalling childhood literacy results that the county’s Reading Campaign is hopefully beginning to reverse would again preclude hacking at education.

Staff? Again cut too deep and you’ll likely be left with workers unable to provide services with some catastrophic social results.

No one wants to pay more for services but what are the alternatives?

In reality all Mr Fatemian and his colleagues can do is ensure the financial burden does not fall disproportionately on those who can’t afford it.

That is the real challenge.