WHILE her schoolmates are kicking back and enjoying the hot weather, one Sandford teenager is returning to the heat of the kitchen.

For the past year, Honor Boyle has been baking to raise money for cystic fibrosis.

The 15-year-old, from Church Road, was inspired to do it because her twin sister, Claudia, has the condition, and runs a cake stall at Sandford Village Market every week.

Honor, a pupil at Bartholomew School, Eynsham, said: “I have always been keen on baking. I started quite young but I have built up a repertoire of a lot of different cakes, and each week I try and do different things. They seem to be quite popular.”

Every Friday night, Honor bakes three large cakes between 5pm and 9pm.

The next day she is at Sandford Village Hall from 8am, selling her creations and acting as a volunteer at the market, helping run the kitchen and doing workshops with children. So far she has raised in the region of £2,000 for the cause.

The enterprising youngster said: “I want to take it much further.

“I really want to expand and make lots of different things and think of new ways of fundraising that I have never done before that I hope will involve a lot of people.

Claudia said she was “really happy” she had inspired Honor to bake.

She said: “I like the way it has given her a chance to do her hobby and also to raise money for charity.

Abi Johnson, who helps run the village market and the Talking Shop project to create a community café at Sandford Village Hall, said she was “incredibly impressed” by Honor’s dedication.

She said: “I don’t know any other 15-year-old up at 8am, preparing to serve coffee and bacon sandwiches to customers.”