MANY people know the old Chinese whisper where ‘Send reinforcements, we’re going to advance’ changes to become ‘Send two and fourpence, we’re going to a dance’. It seems that Elaine Bennett and Derrick Holt, have been playing this game too.

At the Old Marston Parish Council, on July 2, I discussed the likely traffic impact of the Barton West development. I said that nobody could predict with certainty where traffic would go. People living in Barton West and working at the hospitals will probably use the bus or cycle given that very few are likely to qualify for hospital parking permits.

I also said that it was possible that some private homeowners might commute to London.

At no time did I suggest that Barton West would or should become a dormitory for London.

The reason why I support Barton West is because it will provide up to 350 affordable homes for local people. Many of the people I work with who have housing needs, work in health and in social care and we need to house them. We ought to think of what is best for Oxford and work to find sensible solutions rather than taking away the hope of secure housing from some of our fellow citizens.

MARY CLARKSON (Cllr), Marston Ward Dunstan Road Headington