Sir – The Register Office (old County Offices) built 1911-14, replaced the old St Peter le Bailley School and is certainly a building with local interest for many Oxford residents. The architect boldly overcame the difficulties of the site to create a building of dignity and interest which frames the view-line of New Road.

It should be listed and the Minister’s decision should be appealed against. The architect of Nuffield College designed his building in relationship to it, following the instructions of Lord Nuffield to create a worthy entry to the city from the west. It, and Macclesfield House, are on one of the most historic sites in Oxford — actually built on the former 1,000-year-old castle moat and Saxon settlements.

The West End Area Action Plan, adopted in 2008, Policy WE10, states that any new development must meet and respect the character and setting of listed buildings, scheduled ancient monuments and buildings of local interest . . . new development must be designed with an understanding of the area’s heritage, street patterns, views and important buildings.

The building shown in the illustration accompanying Mr Howell’s letter seems to conform to few, if any of the above policy. It is also deliberately misleading. No wonder we, the residents of Oxford, get sold pups.

The illustration shows a public piazza on the right-hand side — actually Worcester Street car park. Is the owner (Nuffield College), aware of its new use?

The road is shown misleadingly wide — and where are the lines of buses which this paper told us last week were going to be routed down New Road? Where are the traffic lights etc?

Or, perhaps, we residents and tourists alike are going to get the canal basin back where the car park is, something we could all enjoy and agree upon. How about it?

Geoffrey Fouquet, Oxford