Sir – British bees are in serious trouble, and that’s bad news for us in Oxford, for farmers and for our economy.
Without bees, food prices would rise because pollinating crops by hand would cost more than £1.8bn a year.
A comprehensive bee action plan is urgently needed to protect all 267 species of bees and the vital role they play in pollinating our food crops, gardens and countryside.
A bee action plan is backed by over 200 MPs from all parties, businesses from the
Co-op to B&Q, and we’ve been overwhelmed by support from people in Oxford and across Oxfordshire.
Last month, Oxford Friends of the Earth created a ‘bee world’ at The Kidneys Nature Reserve — a 100sqm area sowed with a mix of British wildflowers to create vital habitat for pollinators.
The Government says it is listening and is expected to unveil new proposals soon. Oxford East MP Andrew Smith has signed a statement backing a bee action plan.
We urgently need a comprehensive bee action plan that tackles all the threats bees face, including pesticides and habitat loss.
With our Government’s help, we can make sure bees are here to stay.
Fiona Tavner, Oxford Friends of the Earth, Oxford