I WROTE to ViewPoints back in March regarding the electronic information board on the A40 near the Tesco Express and it seems that nothing changes.

We have the usual ‘it’s 10 minutes to the Pear Tree park and ride’, the latest telling us not to throw rubbish out onto the road and the obvious – ‘it’s congested between the Eynsham and Wolvercote roundabouts from 7am-10am’.

On Monday evening, approaching midnight, travelling from Witney and using the toll bridge route to Oxford, I found as I reached the Botley roundabout, pictured, that the slip road onto the A34 going south was closed.

The only way for me to get to Oxford is to go to the Wolvercote roundabout, turn around and head back south. And there is also a convoy system in operation, due to roadworks, which adds another 20 minutes to my journey.

There were no warnings the previous day and having spoken to different people at County Highways and being passed here, there and everywhere, gave up as my patience was now exhausted.

If we have an electronic information board is it at all possible to inform, instead of patronise, motorists?

JOHN MILLINGTON Mountfield Road Witney