WHY have there been no neighbourhood “hub” planning meetings in Marston (ViewPoints, March 6, 2013), or posters informing residents of the next meeting?

At previous meetings, attendees left contact details for further information about meetings, but have received no notifications.

In the past I have successfully accessed meeting information online. However, the information has worryingly disappeared from view, instead an attachment states it is being virus checked.

Does it mean that, without regular local meetings, residents have lost a popular forum to challenge unpopular developments – The Friar, Barton and their knock-on effects, serious traffic issues and flooding?

Another serious point I would like to raise is how can Councillor Roy Darke, pictured, be proposed by Councillor Mary Clarkson and elected to retain position as chair of the East Oxford area planning committee when he didn’t attend the meeting?

Why did no-one else stand for this post? Does the political majority equate to councillors being afraid or unable to act for the interests of locals?

By their continuing strategy (and decision-making in the previous 10 years) this planning committee has systematically failed to ensure the provision of adequate infrastructure and the detrimental effect of allowing over-development in East Oxford.

A few recent examples are the Cavalier pub, Highbank Close, 485/487 Marston Road development and 430 Marston Road.

Oxford City Council’s efforts to deny democracy to their community taxpayers make those ‘in charge’ untouchable and afford them freedom to remain unstoppable and push forward damaging developments.

ELAINE BENNETT (Mrs) Marston Road Oxford