OXFORDSHIRE’S only state boarding school has been rated good by Ofsted.

Although the county has a large number of independent schools which offer weekly and termly boarding, Burford School is the only non-fee paying county school where youngsters can choose to board.

At its previous inspection in 2009, the school's boarding provision was rated satisfactory, but when inspectors visited in May, the results of which have just been published, they judged it to be good with outstanding features.

Headteacher Kathy Haig put a lot of the improvements down to head of boarding Paul Johnson, who is just completing his second year.

She said: “He has come in with a really clear vision of how he wants the boarding house to be and that is why I think we got outstanding for leadership and management.

“Everybody from the head, to staff, to governors, has been involved in making sure we achieve that vision.”

Of the 1,153 pupils at the school, there are currently 81 boarders.

That will grow to 85 next year, with a maximum capacity of 90 at the two houses.

The school was praised for the academic progress of the boarding pupils, which exceeded those of day pupils at the school.

Mrs Haig said: “In the evening they have organised prep sessions with staff who are there to supervise and help.

“Our boarders don't get behind because there is a joined up approach of day school and boarding, and if the teachers at boarding are also teachers at day school, they make sure work is done to a good standard.”

Inspector Clare Davies said boarders made good progress in all aspects of development, growing in confidence and independence.

She added: “Boarders develop social skills and a respectful tolerance of others.

“Signs of maturity are evident as boarders reflect on their own development in comparison to their younger years in the boarding environment.

“For example, incidents of behaviour have reduced and for those boarders involved, they recognise that their behaviour has improved and that they benefit from structure and boundaries.”

The boarding provision at the school is located away from the main school in Cheltenham Road, in Church Lane in the centre of the town, so children leave at the same time as day pupils.

Many pupils come to board at the school from overseas or from elsewhere in the country – meaning day pupils mix with those from very different backgrounds, broadening the variety of pupils attending the Cotswolds school.