COUNCILLORS decided to approve plans to develop a former Oxford cricket ground into housing last night.

A total of 30 properties are planned by Thomas Homes for the former cricket ground in Barton Road – four-bedroom houses, 17 three-bedroom houses, two two-bedroom flats and three one-bedroom flats. There will be an access road, 51 car parking spaces, 60 cycle parking spaces and a public open space.

It is planned that 50 per cent of the homes will be affordable.

Residents voiced concerns at the meeting of the city council’s East Area Planning Committee about the proximity of new homes to existing houses, sewage, drainage and loss of space.

Francis Marshall of Ash Grove, told the committee: “There is a green space which I think is a ludicrous waste of space. There is an enormous green space within 50 yards of the site on the other side. Properties could be moved away.”

Mark Pitt, from Headington Heritage, said: “Green space is a heritage asset, once it has gone it will never come back.”

But Nik Lyzba, principal of developers JPPC charter planners, told councillors: “The site has not been used for more than 10 years and contrary to comments on the website there has been no approaches in respect to re-using the site for sports activities.”

Before the recommendation to support the proposal in principle was approved, committee chairman councillor Roy Darke said: “This is a development that I think is well designed.”