SOUTH Hinksey resident Dr Peter Rawcliffe has battled Thames Water to unblock sewers in the village near Oxford.

As chairman of the Oxford Flood Alliance, he has lobbied on behalf of residents for the firm to act.

He said: “The sewer has flooded for years and it has gradually got worse.

“When it rains hard it comes up the manholes. The whole system gets overhwlemed.

“It got under floors, it got under peoples’ patios, people couldn’t walk their dogs, they were worried about their children.”

He said he was “chuffed to bits” when the firm last month carried out a camera survey of 1.4 miles of sewers to clean blockages.

Dr Rawcliffe said: “They were in everybody’s bad books. They hadn’t gripped the problem at all, but now they are doing a lot about it.”