AS IS usual with this Government, new plans are disclosed before the necessary research has been carried out. I refer to the health minister’s proposal to charge foreigners to use our NHS.

Minister Jeremy Hunt admitted the Government lacks the means to carry out checks on foreigners coming here just to get free health treatment and drugs. He said the USA does thorough checks and we need to match their controls.

The long NHS waiting times for treatment will only be made worse while foreigners getting treated are checked out for their ability to pay a fixed charge of £200, which is an insult to the working public who have contributed thousands of pounds over their working life.

While the ethics of the idea are good, it is unworkable until a proper administration department is up and running to do the checks on foreign treatment seekers.

Patients visiting their GPs’ surgeries will have delayed appointments while staff try to find proof of treatment entitlement by the person seeking a doctor.

The scheme will cost more to implement than the income generated, so should be abandoned at the start.


Duncan Close
