THE traffic mismanagers are at it again.

Andrew Ffrench’s article (We’re still waiting for traffic transformation, Oxford Mail, July 2) refers to the plan to stop buses going through Queen Street, which inevitably means more congestion in neighbouring roads.

Nobody seems able to explain why completely pedestrianising Queen Street is such a marvellous idea.

And the Oxford Pedestrians’ Association seems to want to revive some of the half-baked ideas in “Transform Oxford”, such as closing George Street and Magdalen Street to traffic, without any thought for the difficulties this will present to the disabled and elderly, who need buses and cars to get around.

The association also wants to close off half of St Giles, to make way for a market and other things. But there is already an adequate market in Gloucester Green. Haven’t they noticed the traffic queues in St Giles which often stretch back up Banbury and Woodstock Roads?

Whether it’s the local councils or well-meaning pressure groups, they never seem to think through the consequences of their proposals.

Have they forgotten the council marking out part of St Giles for coaches: an unworkable plan that was soon abolished, as was the idea of making people change onto shuttle buses at The Plain to get into central Oxford? Haven’t they noticed the mess that is Frideswide Square?

Haven’t they realised that installing chicanes in Cowley Road has made matters worse rather than better?

Already cars (and ambulances, and other public-service vehicles) have to take ridiculously roundabout routes to get from one part of Oxford to another.

The primary concern in traffic planning is surely to keep traffic flowing smoothly, rather than putting lots of impediments in its way. And traffic planners should never overlook the needs of the disabled and elderly, who are often unable to walk or cycle everywhere.

When I looked at the Oxford Mail’s website and did a search for “Transform Oxford”, one of the results read: “A Mad World, My Masters”. Exactly.

Carlton Road