Sir – Concerning Nicholas Lawrence’s letter (June 20) No, no, no, no. We do not need Cornmarket Street in Oxford open to buses, or delivery vehicles (after 10am).

Surely with a little city street like that, it’s not impossible for the majority of local able-bodied people to walk from Carfax to the bus stops in Magdalen Street, transferring from incoming Barton buses to outgoing Kidlington-bound buses.

Yes, as suggested in Ann Spokes Symonds’s letter, immediately before Nicholas’s letter, we need something in the form of a ‘little train ‘ system to help disabled/elderly infirm people in Cornmarket with that transfer over, if needed, but please not back to polluting buses/heat being pumped out from present buses from their air-conditioning systems we suffer on pavements today.

Just look at what we suffer from buses, queued up nose to tail, often in the High Street today. Do we want yet another street like that in our beautiful city? I think not.

How many times we hear our visitors say ‘I wish our towns and cities back home copied Oxford’s plan of walking area streets only, you can actually take in the beauty of your city, and not have to watch out for vehicles crashing in so close to you’.

Peter Berry, Oxford