Sir – Like Daniel Emlyn-Jones’ atheist friend (Letters, June 6) I, too, wonder at the universe with its inanimate matter and living organisms on incredibly large and small scales and see that as part of my spiritual experience, the exercise of my human spirit.
However, it would be very surprising indeed if any creator of all the hundred thousand million or so stars, with their planets, in our galaxy and all the other stars in the hundred thousand million or so other galaxies in our universe, were personally concerned with my, or anyone else’s, individual or collective lives on this cosmic dot of a planet.
Of course, there is no reason why people should not wishfully think into existence an imaginary powerful creator friend to whom to talk during their lives and from whom to receive confirmation of their hope that their mortal human spirit is an immortal soul.
But it would be very helpful indeed if religious believers would un-dogmatically accept that their version of such an imaginary powerful creator friend might be no more real than anyone else’s, however real it may seem to them.
Dane Clouston, Stadhampton