A JUDGE praised a former thief and drug addict for making “wonderful” progress and staying out of trouble.

Judge Mary Jane Mowat said the probation report on Paul Arnold, 37, was one of the finest she had seen.

He admitted stealing a handbag with an iPhone and belongings worth about £700 from the Duke Of Cambridge bar in Little Clarendon Street, Jericho, on October 20.

Arnold was also found in possession of a small amount of cannabis in SS Mary and John churchyard, Cowley Road, on September 29.

In February he admitted breaching a 12-month suspended sentence and supervision order imposed last May for assault.

Arnold – homeless in Oxford for two years – was given three months to turn his life around by Judge Mowat in February.

On Thursday she was told he now lives in Blackthorn, Northampton, and has given up drink and drugs.

She said: “I’m amazed and so impressed with Mr Arnold. “I’m really happy to see someone who does as well as you, it’s actually quite moving.”

Arnold told her he was hoping to get a driving licence to set up a painting and decorating business.

Asked how others could follow his example, he said: “They’ve got to want to do it, no one is going to tell them to do it.”

He told the Oxford Mail he decided to change his life when his son got back in touch.

Arnold received a six-month conditional discharge on Thursday.