HAVING read the letter by John Tanner, Labour councillor (ViewPoints, March 27) regarding his Budget comments, I find the 1p off beer, quote “being an insult to the hard pressed taxpayers” rather rich coming from a Labour councillor.

Perhaps Mr Tanner could tell me his comments when Gordon Brown kept putting up the price of beer, as I do not recall him ever reducing the cost.

I also note he wants to “borrow, at very low interest rates”.

I would like to know who in their right minds would lend us money at low interest rates, after all we only owe billions upon billions already?

Perhaps, Mr Tanner, you could tell me who.

I would call this irresponsible borrowing and certainly irresponsible lending.

I believe the Government is doing something about this – it’s called ‘Payday Loans’.

In April 2003, after his Budget speech, I wrote to The Rt Hon Gordon Brown, telling him that he would need to borrow at least £85bn to carry out his forecast spending needs.

I received a reply from HM Treasury, in May 2003, stating “projections for public sector net borrowing of £27bn, £24bn, £23bn, £22bn and £22bn in 2003-4, 2004-05, 2005-06, 2006-7 and 2007-08 respectively are based on reasonable and cautious assumptions, independently audited by the Comptroller and Auditor General, and incorporate margins for shocks and and unexpected events”.

Unfortunately, they did not allow for that little thing called common sense, and that is why this country is virtually bankrupt.

Perhaps that is what Cllr Tanner wants with his Plan B – Bankruptcy.

Robin Eadle, Hastoe Grange, Headington, Oxford