AS it’s the 50th anniversary of the Beeching massacre of our railway system, it may be worth comparing those dark days with today.

The then Tory Transport Minister, Ernest Marples, asked Dr Beeching to rip up thousands of miles of track, closing many stations and branch lines.

The effect on the populace was said to be “minimal”, as was said when another Tory, Margaret Thatcher, sold the family jewels in the name of gas, electricity and water in the ’80s.

Well, we can all see the results of that con, as more people including pensioners are being forced into fuel poverty. So why was Transport Minister Marples so interested in shutting down the railways, as this would load the burden of freight and passengers onto the roads?

Marples had a majority interest in Ridgway, a road building company! But it’s okay, because when the proverbial hit the fan, he sold his shares, to Mrs Marples (yes, his wife).

So, nothing really changes over the years does it? Social Democrat or Tory, rightwing politics are spent and totally out of kilter with the ordinary person. We now see the same self-interest with the same modern-day politicians with interests in NHS privatisation.

Be warned people, fight for your NHS before its too late, don't let the Marples and Thatchers of this world off without a fight.

Tim Siret, Millmoor Crescent, Eynsham