DURING the Second World War, most of us were all in it together.

Living in a two-bedroom house one was allocated two evacuees and there were five people sharing. Today’s bedroom tax is a further stop toward an authorisation of the Government cuts directed at the poor.

The honourable MPs claim the need of an additional house and some have little-used holiday homes. Cost in Oxfordshire tops the country on prices for houses.

Oxford City needs a programme for thousands of affordable council houses. Many houses are converted for student and profit that were once family homes.

People are being forced into private accommodation. Tenants will lose their houses and protection while councils will conveniently sit on hands.

The well-heeled, supported by the public purse, who live in mansions and plural properties like Blair and Cameron, will no doubt utilise their spare rooms for the dispossessed, along with their friends.


Overmead Green

Blackbird Leys