MOTHERS, daughters and grandmothers from all cultures celebrated the joy of women yesterday.

More than 80 women, and one or two boys, went to an International Women’s Day party at Rose Hill Children’s Centre, a day in advance of today’s worldwide celebration.

Organiser Jackie Garlick, a mother of two and grandmother of three, said the centre had always held its women’s day on a Thursday to tie in with its weekly curry lunch.

In between getting their nails and hair done, and grabbing a bowl of Asian vegetarian curry, the ladies took time to have their photograph taken, and pen their thoughts on the modern world of women.

Mrs Garlick, 63, said: “Rose Hill is very multicultural, and it is lovely to get different nationalities together and have a lovely day with nice things for ladies.

“It is important for women to be able to celebrate womanhood and what it means.”