A HARD-HITTING bus advertising campaign is being launched by Thames Valley Police in support of the International Week to End Violence Against Women.

Two different advertisements will appear for a month on buses running in Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire, aimed at men who are violent towards their partners.

Assistant Chief Constable Francis Habgood said: "We want to get the message out that domestic violence will not be tolerated in Thames Valley.

"Victim safety is a priority and our arrest rate for domestic violence has increased considerably in the past year as part of a determined clamp down on offenders. There will be no let-up."

Thames Valley Police is also producing a new leaflet for victims of domestic violence which sets out exactly what they can expect from the police once they report the offence.

In addition, a small diary which can be use to keep a record of the abuse suffered - to help police prosecute the offender - is already being made available to victims where appropriate.