A murder suspect told detectives he was "brilliant friends" with the man he is alleged to have killed, Oxford Crown Court heard.

Peter Rous, 32, of Pegasus Road, Blackbird Leys, and Sara Kingston, 33, of Forester's Tower, Wood Farm, have denied murdering Guy Thomas, 41.

Mr Thomas, was found dead in his bed in his flat in Pound Way, Cowley, on Friday, February 10. Rous and Kingston are alleged to have beaten Mr Thomas during a heavy drinking session the day before.

In police interviews, read out in court today, Mr Rous said: "I had an operation on my hand in December and was in hospital.

"I met Guy a few days before in Wetherspoons. We got chatting because he lost his phone. We were chatting away. He had a bottle of vodka. We went back to his flat at about 12.30pm and we sat in the flat and got drunk."

Rous said he saw Mr Thomas every day from early December, apart from when the alleged victim went on a 21-day trip to Barbados with his mother.

He told officers: "We are all brilliant friends."

The court had previously been told Kingston and Rous had been drinking with Mr Thomas in his flat on February 9.

When interviewed the next day, Rous said Mr Thomas injured his head when he fell over.

He said: "After the fall he sat back as usual and Sara said 'look at your head'. Blood was going into his eyes."

Rous said he told Kingston to call an ambulance.

He said: "I was sat next to him, cuddling him because he was all upset. I said I would go in the ambulance with him but he was upset, saying 'I'm not going in, I'm not going in."

The jury has been told paramedics recommended Mr Thomas go to hospital, but he refused.

Dc Kevin Govier, of Thames Valley Police major crime unit, asked if Rous wanted to make any comments about Mr Thomas saying to paramedics "he hit me" while pointing towards the defendant.

Rous said: "No, because I hadn't hit him."

Dc Govier said: "Why would he say that if it wasn't true?"

Rous said: "I don't know a reason why. I heard Guy say he fell over."

Dc Govier said Mr Thomas had sat back on his sofa after the paramedics had bandaged his head, and pulled back defensively from Rous, as if he was frightened.

Rous said: "I have no idea why he would do that."

Later in the interviews, Dc Govier told Rous: "Something went on in this flat last night, something not quite right and it could have been many things."

He said: "Did you assault Guy?"

Rous said: "No I didn't."

The trial continues.