POTHOLE repair cash, English lessons for mothers and the reinstatement of area committees all feature in the Liberal Democrats’ alternative city budget.

On Monday night Oxford City Council will meet to agree its budget for 2013/14 and its financial plan for the next four years.

The ruling Labour group wants to increase council tax by two per cent and put up parking charges and social housing rents as part of its £24m budget.

The opposition Lib Dem group has announced it will move a number of amendments to the budget.

It wants to allocate £100,000 of reserve funds for pothole repairs, spend £20,000 on lessons for mothers who don’t speak English as a first language, and reinstate area committees in the city at a cost of £260,000 over the next four years.

In order to pay for the extra spending, it wants to use contingency money, save £50,000 a year in consultants’ fees and reduce members’ allowances to save £40,000 a year.

The Lib Dems also want to offer energy advice to help people make the most of the Government’s “green deal” and give grants for debt advice The group will also propose that £50,000 of contingency money set aside for disabled transport be used to fund a second dial-a-ride bus service through the county council.

An hour of free parking at Cutteslowe Park, where new fees are causing problems with park users parking in neighbouring streets, is also proposed.