Sir – The fact that more than 1,700 people have signed an e-petition doesn’t add to the credibility of the campaign against the flats overlooking Port Meadow.

Such petitions are commonplace in our digital age, and we as a nation obviously love them. In its first year of operation, a total of 36,000 petitions were submitted to the Government’s own e-petition website, attracting 6.4 million signatures. If the flats had been built right on Port Meadow, then the campaigners might have a case, but, as those of us who who use the meadow every day are aware, the noise of the A34 traffic is a much bigger distraction to our enjoyment, than the distant view of buildings.

There have been buildings on that side of the meadow for several years, and some of them are substantial houses.

I trust that none of the well-meaning campaigners live in such properties, otherwise one might start to doubt their true motives.

Dave Horner, Oxford