RESIDENTS have raised concerns about cars parked on pavements in East Oxford, claiming it is putting lives at risk.

Parts of East Oxford are covered by controlled parking zones (CPZ), which restrict most of the parking to permit holders.

As we reported on Monday, residents south of Magdalen Road who are not covered by the CPZ say the parking situation has worsened for them.

They say the CPZ has increased the number of cars parking on roads outside the zones, with some drivers also mounting the pavement to park – pushing pedestrians out into the road.

Mum-of-three Julia Hollander, of Parker Street, East Oxford, whose 10-year-old Imogen Arden has severe cerebral palsy and uses a wheelchair, said: “What we have got is the vulnerable members of the community unable to use the pavement in East Oxford.

“The most vulnerable are prohibited from using the pavement.

“The general rule is we have to use the road. It is very much a car park.”

Helen House, which Imogen attends, declined to comment.

Obstructing free passage on a highway is against the law.

Fines can be imposed by traffic wardens employed by Oxfordshire County Council or the police .

And offender should be issued with fixed penalty notices, which carry up to a £70 fine.

In 2011/12 the county issued 41,046 penalty charge notices.

Partially-sighted Gavin Hageman, from Witney, visits friends in East Oxford regularly with his guide dog Peter.

Mr Hageman, 49, said: “If people park on the pavements it is difficult to get past.

“If I walk out around the car, it is obviously very dangerous and frightening.

“The pavement is an area for pedestrians, the road is for cars.

“It is putting my life at risk if I have to walk around on the road round the cars.”

Larry Sanders, county councillor for East Oxford, said: “It is meant to be monitored and it is something that the police pay attention to, but usually only if it is reported.”

Oxfordshire County Council and the police were not available for comment last night.