I FEEL I must respond to Michael Rhymes’s letter (ViewPoints, January 23).

He castigates Liberal district councillors Emptage, Williamson and Rose, but fails to mention other district councillors who happen to be Conservatives, Billington and Prestidge.

They are also part of the Conservative-controlled district council.

I know from my late husband, John Wyse, that the Liberal councillors try their best for Kidlington but are always overpowered by controlling Conservatives.

Why doesn’t Mr Rhymes concentrate his criticism on his Conservative mates to do something that affects more residents than sports and that is, the traffic problem in our high street? If Mr Rhymes is so passionate to help Kidlington, why doesn’t he stand as a councillor? He may find his life is not his own anymore.

D WYSE (Mrs), Chorefields, Kidlington