EVERY year around 95 people living in Oxfordshire fall victim to meningitis. At the Meningitis Trust we help local families rebuild their lives following the disease.

To support everybody who needs us and meet the increased demand we’re seeing for our free services, we doubled the number of our community support officers who work across the country and in your area.

Our commitment is to provide support for life to everyone affected by meningitis.

Our urgent challenge is to fund it.

To reach out to those who need us takes £8,000 a day – over £5 every minute.

More people than ever before need our support and this means we need more people than ever before to support us. Can you help with a donation this Christmas and change the lives of others in your community in their time of need?

Help us make sure victims of meningitis don’t have to suffer alone. Donate on our website at: meningitis-trust.org or text MENT05 £5 (or any amount up to £10) to 70070 now to start making a difference.

SUE DAVIE, CEO & JO KILLICK, Regional Fundraising Officer, Meningitis Trust, Bath Road, Stroud