A BBC geology presenter visited Oxford’s Natural History museum after dark this week.

Prof Iain Stewart, who has presented the BBC’s Horizon and Making Scotland’s Landscape, gave a talk to a captivated audience on Thursday night. He is pictured right with, from left, Kristian Fox, Marc Borja and Helen Tyzack.

Helen, 14, from Witney, said: “He was really interesting, he is obviously a very good speaker. He was discussing whether you should be ‘dumming down’ geology programmes to widen the show to attract a larger audience, and how to balance that with presenting to people who know about geology.

“The museum after dark was really interesting too. It was an amazing atmosphere with all the pillars lit up.”

Helen said she had been interested in geology since the age of about seven.

The d’Overbroeck’s College pupil added: “I’ve watched his programmes for a long time, and been a fan for the last three years.”